Registration Guidelines

Early Bird and Final Registration Deadlines: Early Bird registrations will close on May 10, 2024, while final registrations for all will close on May 31, 2024.
Account Creation: Authors must sign up by creating an account with GCESCJ on the home page of the website. They can do so by clicking the 'Log in' bar located on the top-right side of the home page.
Account Creation Options: Accounts can be created through Google, Facebook, or Email accounts, based on the authors' convenience.
Registration Form: After creating an account, authors should visit the registration form page provided towards the end of this page.
Abstract Codes: Participants must mention their abstract codes as allocated by the organizing committee during the Communication of Acceptance of Abstracts.
Registration Fees: The registration fees are accessible on the website link:
Fee Calculation: The registration fees will be automatically displayed based on the income classification of the participant's home country selected during registration.
Accommodation Option: Participants can opt for conference accommodation from July 3rd to July 8th, 2024, for an additional cost of 250€ (250 EUR). This includes single occupancy accommodation for five nights and six days in a 4-star or 5-star hotel.
Payment Process: After filling in the particulars in the registration form, authors should select the 'Pay Now' icon and complete the payment using the preferred payment mode via the secure payment gateway.
Payment Confirmation: Upon successful completion of the registration and payment process, authors will instantly receive the payment receipt on their registered email IDs.
Registration Process: Select the number of authors, 1,2 or 3 and keep the details regarding all the authors handy.

The registration needs to be done for all the authors at once.
Step 1: Choose the number of authors of the paper.
Step 2: Fill in the details of all authors step by step.
Step 3: Depending upon the country of residence, occupation and membership status with IUCN AEL, the fees to your registration form will be determined. Check here to know the calculation.
Step 4: Add accommodation requirement for your team, 1,2 or 3.
If more accommodation is needed, kindly get in touch with us over email.
Step 5: In the case of scholarship being awarded, enter the scholarship code sent to you via email and click 'Apply Now'.
Please note that you must be logged into the portal of the website from the same email id which you have received the communication of scholarship code on.
Once done, click on 'Buy Now' and pay via any Card.
You will receive an email shortly about the confirmation of payment.